Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Burden Of Leadership...

You know, EVERYONE else in this band has been allowed to skip, cancel or otherwise turn down gigs for all MANNER of reasons, from "it's my birthday" to "I'm going to a festival" to "I'm off on holiday" to "I'm going to a wedding" to "it's deadline week and I procrasturbated the rest of the month away" and oh yeah, "I've got to work."

The ONCE that I have to say that I cannot do a gig because I HAVE TO WORK (Sorry, I work in an accounting department with a Month End that is as rigid as any deadline) I get all kinds of hassle about "oh, can't you move it?" and "oh no but we can't cancel now..."

Like I haven't ALREADY talked to my boss to try to find another arrangement? I'm the Reliable One. I'm not the one who misses soundchecks and rehearsals because "I have PMT."

Aside from anything else, I think it would be GOOD for the band to do a gig without me. Then they might actually realise how much WORK it involves and how much of that work that *I* do. And then maybe, just maybe they might stop taking me for granted.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Get One Motherf*cking Fact Checker

You know, if you don't like the music I make, that's your taste. If you think it's "twee" or whatever, because it has girls and harmonies and - OHNOES!!! - a pretty melody, that's just your preconceptions.

However, if you say there's a motherf*cking CASIO involved, you're just FACTUALLY WRONG. Can you not tell the difference between a Casio and a GUITAR even when there are pictures of said instruments on the cover? Are you BLIND as well as DEAF?

Now just you wait until I come round and shove my "casio" up your ass.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Turn back oh poxy fule, MY ARSE!!!

Gimme my goddam ILX today. Dammit.