Monday, June 05, 2006

"it's been a less than brilliant day!"

8:45 - Free-standing bus ticket machine eats all change for bus pass.
9:07 - Bus passes stop by three blocks
9:26 - Deputy the Man rolls in with bloodied page and accuses me of Waterlooesque professionalism despite page being created on day after 14-hour day
11:00 - desk meeting with instructions to document our day, every day
12:06 - Realise like Paris Hilton single
13:24 - Waterloo discovers chocolate brownie biscuits on my desk, demands one. Or two. Or 15.
15:00 - Receive email stating Blowjob Mouth will now be Team Liaison
16:39 - Finish last chocolate brownie biscuit

This day will undoubtedly get worse.