Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Stupid Windoze!

So you can read, and PLAY an AIF file, but you can't burn it for me?


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Dear John

So you find "negative to and fro very draining" do you?

Well, you know what? There's a VERY easy way to avoid it.

Either you can flop over like a little emo boy, and whinge about "bad vibes" - or else you can handle conflict like a man, accept responsibility when you've done something wrong, and take steps to ensure that you don't affect other people negatively in the first place.

Friday, June 16, 2006

you FUCKING cow

Why don't you just quit already instead of dragging us all into your juvenile shit?

Monday, June 12, 2006

But it's not even 10:30!

Friday, Waterloo pulls a sickie.
Over the weekend get call at 5pm on Saturday, asked to come into work.
Politely say no, too inebriated.
Get text message of instructions for Monday on Sunday night. Irritated, but whatever.
Monday, Waterloo comes in and hasn't even turned her computer on before she's stomped off to HR to bitch.
Then she comes back and storms out.
And then HR calls and says she hasn't been down there at all.
Fuck. Ing. Hell.

Monday, June 05, 2006

"it's been a less than brilliant day!"

8:45 - Free-standing bus ticket machine eats all change for bus pass.
9:07 - Bus passes stop by three blocks
9:26 - Deputy the Man rolls in with bloodied page and accuses me of Waterlooesque professionalism despite page being created on day after 14-hour day
11:00 - desk meeting with instructions to document our day, every day
12:06 - Realise like Paris Hilton single
13:24 - Waterloo discovers chocolate brownie biscuits on my desk, demands one. Or two. Or 15.
15:00 - Receive email stating Blowjob Mouth will now be Team Liaison
16:39 - Finish last chocolate brownie biscuit

This day will undoubtedly get worse.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Argh, I'm An Idiot

I'm just suffering from verbal diorrhea today, and shooting my mouth off all over the place, speaking before I've considering what I'm saying and getting in all kinds of trouble and confusing everyone around me.

Just shut me up, OK? Take away the submit button before I push it.